The Camino Ingles – the Book

Join the Street Team to Update the bestselling book


 Be the first to read the book

Be part of the update process from start to finish except the actual walking!

(and did I mention it’s absolutely 100% FREE?!)

you can help






Share about the book online and offline. I will give you the links and information about when to do this. Oh, and prizes! 

Review on AMAZON

Read in advance and be ready to write and post your reviews on Amazon on particular dates. Yes, I will tell you when! I will give you templates and links for this. No you don’t have to read and give me an in depth lengthy review! Two or three sentences!


Engage in the group, and vote on titles, book covers, and other things that I may be puzzling over.  Let your voice be heard!


You help will get the book out to readers across the world. It could change their lives!

And if you need one more reason:

Do it for the fun, the frenzy, the frantic fumbling behind the scenes of every book launch! 

To say nothing of the unglamourous  photos of me toiling either soaked through or boiling hot,

you will see them, no one else will.


This is how it Works 0786c6

I'll send a few emails only

A few emails on the progress of the launch, with occasional surprise download. See how a launch should be done – or not.

Our private facebook group

This is where we discuss matters of importance, or not. And you give me your feedback, encouragement or motivation to keep going!

 HI! IT’s susan

Bestselling Author, Adventurer and Encourager. I am passionate about having adventures, and helping people have their own adventures. I need your help to help more people go out and have more adventures, and write their own adventure books.

I like to make things active and fun, so this launch process is going to be a lot of fun.  There will be a few surprises in it for all of us. 

Only good surprises. I would love to have you on my team. The only commitment is to support me with a short review on Amazon, or find other ways to share the love.

What EXACTLY are you asking ME to do?

One or two or any or all of the following.


Give me feedback on what’s in the book – have I left anything important out?


Vote on the cover, the title, sub-title, suggest and improve!


Post an honest review on Amazon on a day that I ask, that’s convenient


Share the book across your circles, with persons who you think will like a free book, or to read in this genre, or help out. If you have contacts in media, recommend me to radio, TV or podcast or blog hosts.


Support me when I’m frantic, comfort me when I’m down and cheer with me when we make bestseller!

What do you say?


Ready to launch the 2019 edition of The Camino Ingles – The Book?

This all sounds great and what if….

...I don’t have a lot of time?

No! You don’t have to go out and walk! I just did that – again on the new route. 

The launch period runs from now to June, and I am not expecting you to spend a lot of time! Just as much or as little as interests you! There are things that take 10 seconds, like sharing a link, to 10 minutes, like writing a quick review.


...I want to involve my friends and colleagues?
They’re welcome! If you think they will love the book, please invite them!
...I Don't Have a Kindle? I prefer print books!
No problem! There are free reading apps for your smartphone. tablet and PC. There will be a print book out very shortly after the Kindle version is published.
...I don’t think I can walk the camino?

You’re not required to! Enjoy the experience by reading the book! You may surprise yourself by walking it later – lots of people have.

...I'M not on Amazon
It’s free to join – but you need to have bought something worth $50 before you can review on Amazon. There are other ways to help.
...I'M not in the US!
No problem! Neither am I! I will tell you how you can help review on  your local sites.


Chasing Himalayan Dreams - The Book Launch Team

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