Bestseller Countdown

Bestseller Countdown

Go From Blank to Bestselling Author before Christmas 2022!

  • The Framework you need to start, finish and publish in 100 Days
  • Write for those who want your book
  • The other content you need – that  no one tells you about,

susanjagannath coach

What to do now

Three things to do now while you’re waiting.

  • Know anyone who wants to be a bestselling author? Share the link for them to join the livestreams
  • Join the private Facebook Page
  • Reply and tell me what book you are thinking of writing, so that I can tailor my livestream to you!



Chasing Himalayan Dreams - The Book Launch Team

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Join the Launch team for 2019 Update of The Camino Ingles

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Join the Launch Team forThe Valley of Flowers Book

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Win a Personalised Paperback

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Book a One on One Session

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Join the Bestseller Bootcamp

Almost there! Check your inbox for more information!

Join the VIP List for Coaching

Success! Check your inbox for the Calendly link to book a call

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