Camino Ingles

The Camino Ingles is a medieval era pilgrimage trail in Galicia in Northern Spain. It is quieter, shorter and less popular than the epic Camino Frances, but it has a unique beauty and is not without challenges.

Is it a valid pilgrimage?

Ferrol to Santiago is more than 100 kms. So you will qualify for the Compostela! The Compostela is a certificate awarded by the Pilgrim’s Office of the Catedral de Santiago to pilgrims who have walked the last 100km to Santiago, and have the sellos to prove it.

Is it safe?

The Camino Ingles goes through rural Galicia. It is uncrowded and safe. You can call 112 anywhere in Spain to get English speaking operators at the police or Guardia Civil. You should take normal precautions to safeguard your valuables, but nothing more.

Do I have to camp out?

No! you do not have to camp out. There are public and private albergues, hostals and well priced hotels. Booking is recommended.

What are the distances per day?

The distances per day are from 15 – 30 kms, but there are options if you cannot walk 30 kms on a single day.

Where does it join the Camino Frances?

The Camino Ingles is a totally different route. It never joins the Frances! Oh, except at Santiago of course.

I’m vegetarian! What will I eat?

There are vegetarian options, or you can buy cheese, bread, fruit and vegetables in abundance. Of course, Galicia is famous for its seafood and pork, so you will miss out on that.

Do I have to be religious?

No, the vast majority of pilgrims are not religious. You can be as religious, or spiritual, or not at you like.

Is there enough challenge or is it too easy?

120+ kms is do-able in 6 days. Every day has steady uphills and downhills. It is not a stroll in the park, and you do need a moderate level of fitness to enjoy it.

Do I have to carry a backpack?

No! You can have it ported from stage to stage. Correos offers a great service for 20 E. But you should carry at least a day pack for food, water and valuables.

Can I drink the water?

There are plenty of fountains along the way to refill your water bottle. I would rather not drink from the public fountains in Santiago, but along the way, it is fine.

Can I cycle the Camino Ingles?

Yes and No. Yes, you can physically cycle the route, though you may have to dismount occasionally to navigate streams or steep muddy uphill slopes. No, you will not qualify for the Compostela, as cyclists need 200 kms to gain the Compostela.

What cities does it pass through?

There are no cities or large towns on the route. Betanzos is the only largish town.

Any more questions? Add them to the comments below and I am happy to answer them! Or you can get my book here.


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