Morning Walks in Herzliyya

I was in a hotel by the sea, with ocean views! At first I was disappointed with the flatness of the Mediterranean – for a sea so fabled in tale and art, it was acutely disappointing. But after a couple of days, a wind came up, and then there were some waves. The...

The Garden of Gethsemane

The entrance is from the side, in a steep and narrow lane that winds steeply uphill on the Mount of Olives. This was the site of the original church, just one pillar remains after repeated destruction by sundry muslim hordes..kind of same thing again and again.. This...

Searching for Gethsemane

Anyone seeing these magnificent churches gleaming and flashing in the spring sunlight would wonder what happened to the grim garden depicted in Mel Gibson’s Passion. This is the facade of the Church of All Nations, and above it bloom the golden onion domes of...

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