Revenge of the Jewish Mama

What’s a mosque doing right next to the latest version of the Ruined Synagogue? Apparently its never been used as mosque, but was built by the mother of a jewish man who converted to Islam. Subsequently he was evicted from the Jewish quarter and ostracised by...

At the Wailing Wall

The traditional name for this last remnant of the Temple is the Wailing Wall, but the pc name appears to be the Western Wall. Entering the Western Wall Plaza requires a full security check and passing through a metal detector, and a passport check. The guard was...

Other people of Bethlehem

There are other reasons to visit Bethlehem too. There is the tomb of Rachel outside the town – couldnt get there. Rachel, the wife of Jacob, the mother of Joseph – him of the amazing technicolor dreamcoat? We saw the ruins of a tower that was built in...

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