Why and How to Celebrate it?

Why not? I take any opportunity to celebrate, as a mother of three sons and a daughter, I’m overjoyed that I was able to give birth to the awesome four.  As a grandmother, I adore my grandaughter with a passion that is hard to comprehend. Obsessed they call me ;).

The best and safest way to celebrate it is to try a book from a woman author.

Read a book by a Woman

Because there are fewer women authors over the centuries who had the time or lifespan to sit down and write, though that is changing today. 2019 statistics reveal that women authors Michelle Obama and JK Rowling topped the Amazon bestseller list. This is a far cry from a short while ago when JK Rowling began her career, as well, JK Rowling, not an obviously female author. That said, I have to admit that my list of favourite authors only includes one woman, Diana Gabaldon (The other two are Bernard Cornwell and Lee Child).  Pick up a new author to read, after all we’re human and stories are our lifeblood. It’s what makes us, well, human. So my resolution for March is to read more works from women authors – send me your recommendations.

Be Diverse

Better still, advance the diversity cause, because diversity is good for all of us. You may have read or heard of Vikram Seth as A Suitable Boy,  but have you read Arundhathi Raja and The God of Small Things? I get really excited when a new Indian woman author emerges, but I’m often disappointed when I discover that the ones who are traditionally published are mostly from the Diaspora, having grown up in the West and not in India. Not today though, there are more and more women in India publishing. Like me!

Be Amazed

As I was, on this adventure, I had no idea that I would be conquering not the mountains, but an ancient taboo and myth. You can read more about it in my book, The Valley of Flowers. I’ve discounted all three of my books for a week or so..I’ll keep it discounted as long as I see downloads happening, because I love to share my adventures with you. In Chasing Himalayan Dreams you will fnd me on trail that was forbidden to me as a teenager because I was a girl.

susan jagannath

Grab one or more or all, and if you’ve already read them, do share the link.

Note: In a bit of happy weirdness, the paperback edition of The Camino Ingles:6 Days to Santiago, has sold 4 times as many books in Feb 2021, as it did in Feb 2020. Reasons? I don’t know but I’m not complaining!

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