Polish and Prep

Get your writing done and then edit! Do not start editing before you finish, as your creative mind is different from your editing mind! Even though you may be getting it edited by a professional, you must edit before you send it out.

Use editing tools (free and paid ones) to help you catch some of the more common mistakes like typos or grammar issues or punctuation. A human editor can help with more complex issues like development and flow. Remember to build in time to get their edits back and then integrate them into your final files. It can take as much time to edit, as it took to write, and your book will be better for it.

P.S. You can click download and save this image and colour in for a bit of motivational fun

Editing your book


Day 10: Set Up Your KDP Account on Amazon

Set up an Amazon Kindle account aka a KDP account so that you can publish there as the author pen name you want. KDP costs nothing to register. Amazon will promote your author page on each book listing you have, so readers can click on it and see all of the books you have for sale in one place. This helps increase sales. On your author page, you can add links to your site and social profiles, tell a little about yourself and upload a picture. This helps with branding and loyalty when the readers feel as if they know their favorite author more.


The only way to improve is to write everyday!

Check – did you set up your domain and establish your author brand as yet? If not, go back and do that now!

Be sure to come back for the next episode of the 30-day series on self-publishing your own book!

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