Comment: This was one of my first every posts on a now defunct blog
This is one of those trips that I never dreamt I’d make!
- I’m visiting Israel on work – of course I said yes when asked to go
- I’m blogging on my new toy -the eee pc.
I haven’t left as yet – thats happening tomorrow when i start what feels like an epic flight across the globe. I’m tired thinking of it.l
Comment: From Changi
Its about 9.30 pm Singapore time, but 11.30 pm AEST, so I’m a bit weary. Especially as my phone ran out receiving a call from home…and I can’t figure out how to recharge it from here.
The chill of a northern hemisphere set in high over Australia and South East Asia, the plane was freezing, and I had to yank out my spare t-shirt from the overhead locker. Much to the annoyance of the person sitting underneath – and he remained sullen and unpleasant throughout, what a loser. Its the start of the journey and he’s already so grumpy.
On the bright side, I had 2 spare seats next to me, so I spread out and had a snooze. After that it was on to LonelyPlanet. I notice that for a travel book it is extraordinarily light on suggesting routes – it’s very good on telling you how to get to Jerusalem, but not very good on how to get from site to site.
Comment: Sigh what would I give to be able to travel again!