
Formatting your book

Formatting doesn’t have to be a difficult process. For some, it can be confusing. One tool that makes it a super simple task is Vellum. Now this is a Mac only tool, so you may need a Mac laptop in order to use it. But if you want to have the ability to easily and quickly create flawless ePub files to upload, you’ll want this tool at your disposal. It allows you to make it look like a traditional print book with chapter images and formal fonts, too. There are also other tools like Atticus, that are cheaper and well-supported.
If this is your first book, and likely to be your only book, it’s best to outsource your formatting to the professionals. You can find formatters on Fiverr and Upwork. Or ask for recommendations from other authors or author groups,

What’s an ARC? 

ARCs (advanced reader copies) play an important role in helping spread the word about your upcoming release. You don’t want to hand out ARCs to just anybody. Ideally, your ARCs will go to people who like to give you feedback before you publish the final draft. You can use tools like StoryOrigin to send ARCs and track reviews. That way, if you have people who are only in it for the freebies, you can eliminate them from your ARC list and replace them with someone who leaves reviews and provides feedback for you.

Check – did you set up your GoodReads profile? If not, go back and do that now!

Be sure to come back for the next episode of the 30-day series on self-publishing your own book!

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