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In the Secret ABCs of a bestseller, today we move on to focussing on the B: the blurb. The blurb is a powerful tool that can make or break your book’s success. It’s not just a summary; it’s a strategic piece of marketing that entices readers to buy your book. Let’s explore why the blurb is so important and how to craft one that captivates and converts potential readers into loyal fans.

Join me as we delve into the art of writing a compelling blurb that will elevate your book to bestseller status!

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Why the Blurb Matters

We already discussed the importance of your book cover. The cover grabs attention, but the blurb clinches the deal. The blurb is the description on your sales page that convinces your reader to hit the buy button. Writing a blurb is different from writing your book.

It’s not about storytelling; it’s about selling. And selling isn’t a bad word—it’s about getting your reader to invest their time and money because your book offers them something valuable.

The Reader’s Perspective

Let’s break down what a blurb does. First and foremost, it’s about the reader.

Not you, not your book.

The reader.

Your blurb should speak directly to them, addressing their needs and desires. Are they looking for an escape through fiction or seeking solutions through non-fiction? Your blurb must promise to fulfill that need.

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Crafting Your Blurb

To illustrate, let’s look at my book, The Camino Inglés. Here’s how I approached the blurb:

  1. Hook the Reader:
    • “Are you thinking of walking a Camino as soon as Spain opens up again?”
    • This immediately engages the reader and addresses their current situation.
  2. Offer Value:
    • “Choose to walk the Camino Inglés, the shorter, sweeter, safer, and just as authentic hike in a post-pandemic world.”
    • Here, I highlight the benefits, making it clear why my book is relevant and valuable.
  3. Details and Bonuses:
    • “Get every detail you need for this pilgrimage, from prayers to poster services. It’s all covered in this book.”
    • I list out what the reader can expect, ensuring they see the comprehensive value of the guide.
  4. Emphasize Reader Experience:
    • “Achieve your Camino goal, solve a problem, and escape into an authentic pilgrimage experience.”
    • This speaks to the transformative experience the reader will get from my book.
  5. Call to Action:
    • “Scroll to the top, click the Buy Now button, and take the first step of your Camino.”
    • Always end with a clear call to action. Tell your reader exactly what to do next.
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Common Pitfalls

One thing to remember is that your blurb should be easy to read. Use spacing, bold text, and bullet points to break up the information. Avoid making it a wall of text. Remember, your reader’s time is precious. Make every word count.

The Importance of Reviews

If your book already has reviews, include snippets in your blurb. Reviews add credibility and reassure potential buyers that your book is worth their time. For new books without reviews, focus on strong, compelling content that highlights what the reader will gain.


Creating a blurb is a crucial part of the marketing process. It’s less about the creative writing skills that got you through your manuscript and more about tapping into the reader’s mindset.

Make it about them, solve their problem, and guide them towards hitting that buy button.

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