Welcome to our special series, “The Secret ABCs of a Bestselling Book.”

\Have you ever wondered what it takes to turn a good book into a bestselling sensation? If so, you’re in the right place.

Each letter in our ABCs represents a crucial aspect of the book publishing process that can significantly enhance your book’s appeal and marketability. Whether you’re a seasoned author or just starting your writing journey, these insights will provide you with valuable tools to boost your book’s potential.

So, grab a warm drink, get cozy, and let’s explore the secrets behind creating a bestselling book. Your journey to literary success starts here! In this post we look at covers more closely.

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Here are the ABCs

A: Awesome Author Profile

Your author profile is crucial. A well-crafted profile can significantly impact your book’s success.

B: Brilliant Blurbs and Descriptions

Creating a compelling book description is essential. This is where you need to switch from a writer’s mindset to a marketer’s mindset. A strong blurb can make all the difference.

C: Compelling Covers

Your book cover is the first thing potential readers see, and it’s vital to get it right. Today, we’ll focus on covers and why they are so important.

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Analyzing Bestselling Covers

Look at today’s bestselling Kindle books in your category. 

The function of the cover is to stop the scroll on Amazon, or on shelf in a physical bookstore. It has to attract the right kind of buyer who can then become a reader.

Key Takeaways from Bestselling Covers

  1. Color Trends: Stick to trending colors like yellow and red for business books.
  2. Simple Fonts: Use clear, simple fonts that stand out.
  3. No Faces Unless Well-Known: Avoid putting your face on the cover unless you have a well-established brand.

For example, in the business and money category – A clear trend emerges: the predominant colors are yellow and red. These colors are not only trendy but also effective in grabbing attention. Fonts are simple and large, and the cover is mostly typographic with minimal graphics.

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Case Study: “The Camino Inglés”

Let’s look at my first bestselling book, “The Camino Inglés.” The cover uses the blue and yellow colors found on Camino signs, subtly indicating it’s a hiking book. The professional design, simple title, and relevant colors all contribute to its success.

The font is a specially bought serif font, giving it a medieval, old-fashioned look that resonates with the ancient pilgrimage theme of the book.


Your book cover must fit your genre while standing out. Professional design is key to making your book appealing and recognizable. Always use a professional cover artist to ensure the best possible representation of your book.

I hope this gives you a good understanding of the importance of book covers. Stay tuned for more tips on creating a bestseller!

Next – The importance of the blurb!

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