Mostly transcript of the video above

Hey there, folks! It’s been a while since I last did a Facebook Live, and today I want to share a little adventure I had yesterday while I’m walking in the woods. Now, it’s not exactly the wild wilderness because there are golf courses nearby, but it’s still pretty sweet. Anyway, yesterday was quite eventful for me online. I finally revealed the cover of my upcoming book, and let me tell you, the response was overwhelming! But here’s the twist: I don’t actually like the cover.

cover reveal

What happened to my Book Cover Designer?

Unfortunately, she’s taking a break because she’s swamped with work. I totally get it, but it’s still disappointing. So, I decided to try someone else, and boy, was I let down. This new designer seemed to think that slapping a picture on the cover and adding a title was all it took. Seriously? I could do that myself!

Nowadays, with AI design and all, I could learn to make my own book covers. But honestly, I don’t want to go down that road. I’d rather have my original designer back, even if it means paying her twice the amount. This whole book process has been driving me insane. I just can’t seem to finish it.

walking along paths

Musing on Maps

One of the things I’ve been struggling with is incorporating maps into the book. Can you believe it? Not even ChatGPT, my trusty AI buddy, can help me with that. So, I’ve been doing the maps myself, but they’re more like diagrams than actual maps. It’s been quite a challenge.

Along with the maps, I’ve been sorting through tons of photos to find the perfect ones to sprinkle throughout the book. I’ve got loads of pictures of me and my friends smiling, laughing, and posing on the Camino, but I don’t want to overdo it. So, it’s been a process of finding the right balance.

To make matters worse, I couldn’t even outsource the map-making task. I tried, but nobody could deliver the quality I desired. So, no help from AI or outsourcing on that front. However, I did manage to find someone to format the book for me, which is a huge relief. It’s one less thing on my plate.


In fact, I’m even considering hiring a virtual assistant to help me with all the other tasks that keep piling up. I’ve had VAs in the past, but they always seem to disappear once they find better opportunities. I need someone reliable who can take work off my hands, not add to my management load.

So, here I am, nearing the end of October, reminiscing about my journey on the Camino Invierno. This book should have been out ages ago, but life got in the way. However, I’m determined to see it through. And hey, if you’re interested, join my team and let’s launch this adventure together!

Well, that’s all for now, folks. Thanks for tuning in and listening to my book cover woes. Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t forget to hit that like button. Time for me to head back home and dive into the world of book design once again. Take care!

Finally, you can be the first to read my latest book about another, much longer walk in Spain.  Click the button to get a ARC of the book.

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