WTF – not it’s not a rude saying and I have not been overcome by the need to swear in writing at least – in real life it may or may not be a different matter altogether. There was a WTF in  my presentation – much to the delight of the high school students who trooped into the marquee for my author’s talk on the Friday of the conference. So what does it mean?

Want to Fly of course – that’s what reading does to you and me. it transports us to other worlds without either Elon Musks Spacex or Jeff Bezos New Shepherd. Reading is the ultimate escape from everything. As a child it was an escape from bullies and homesickness in boarding school, and today, its an escape from lockdowns and pandemics

Although to be truthful we have been extraordinarily lucky in Brisbane, barely any lockdowns – altrough, now I finally understood what the convicts felt when transported for life with no prospect of return home. I miss travel and I miss the camino and I miss my friends in India. Things we took for granted, but its still possible to be grateful for other things – like books.

The Writers Festival was quieter – not too much of a crowd, as a lockdown did lurk in the background, but we had amazingly interested high school kids who came and wandered the stalls, talked books, and listened avidly to my talk about The First Chapter, and how writing was like really about learning to fly. I may record this later again, as it went down very well with the audience, who I hope will be inspired to write.


The festival was a time out – writing can be lonely and meeting other writers was a great gift, we talked and shared books and ideas, and thanks to the Logan council, and Rhiannon who was the impetus for the entire show. It takes only one to start the ball rolling, or the pages turning in our case. There was also coffee and hot chips from the food vans that kept us fuelled up.


Here’s a picture of my stall with my books – Its what I saw looking out, and it is a beautiful sight to see the books and the people beyond.

Most Sold Book was The Valley of Flowers – people want to get to the Himalayas I guess, at least vicariously. What did I say that its not aeroplanes that fly, but books!

But without further ado, for those of you wanting to read more books by other authors, these are the local authors who were at the show with me

Ruth Bonetti writes memoir and family history –

Rhiannon writes fantasy with a dash of Game of Thrones –

Edwina Shaw writes and teaches memoir and retreats –

Belinda is your goto girl for you Vampire fantasy fixes –

Kim Foale writes children’s books, with a flavour of Mermaid –

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