Yes, I’m tired of those too..
Not a good look for “Happy New Year”? maybe, but I have something much better. This year, with all the lack of travel, and anxiety over the what-seems-a-never-ending-plague, I turned increasingly inwards, and that meant challenging a lot of my prejudices and yes even hostility to the “woo-woo” side of life. So if you have been following me even a little, you would have seen that I had a revelation about the workings of our inner engines, or “chakras”. I wondered and investigated if these could in fact affect an author’s creativity blocks. I’ve long been a fan of long walks to lift your mood and soul, and no, this is not another blog about walking. I promise. What if, what if, we could wander in different ways – like Vision Boards..?
Yes, but…to be frank, I prefer to journal, and so I’ve been scribbling, randomly, but not arbitrarily, a few prompts are good to keep your thoughts collected, and creative.
Vision Boards are so yesterday
I used to love vision boards – mostly because they reminded me of scrap books that I used to make as a child, and even photo albums, you know the ones with the blurry or black and white photos with rather obscure captions, like ” “In Aunty June’s garden” . who was Aunty June, where was her garden, and why is a 3 year old me grimly squeezing that plastic doll that looks like a horror voodoo artefact?
You see, photo albums look backwards, I wanted something the looked forward, and although vision boards promised that – the sticking and finding of boards, and gums and those lost scissors and labels, were just taking too much of time and effort in the age of instant. And then to stare it at and imagine it all happening – phew too much effort in a anxious world.
And then, I discovered the magic of mind movies, this is a vision board on steroids, because it is a movie, made up of the hopes, dreams, goals and things, and its an moving active vision. And watching one of these, with sound and music is much more interesting, and likely to seep into your subconscious, than flat images stuck on a board.
Then I had another revelation – what if we could create one of these for a book that has been stuck inside of you, or what if you want to get inspired to create a book? And so its here – the Create a Vision for your book project.
It took some work – there are questions to ask yourself, goals to set, and intentions and dreams to capture, but at the end of it, you get a movie – and you don’t need to be movie star or have a Bollywood studio to create a movie that can cast the spell of your book magic.
Let’s become film makers! Of our own destinies
I have a set of worksheets and checklists, to help you get your vision of your book clear in your mind, and then a template to create the movie for your own use. Yes, this is a personal project, and you can cast your vision just of yourself without wondering or worrying what people will think. Click below to watch the sample Vision Movie I created just for this post. My own one is much longer, and its only for me – this one’s a short sample.
Ive been playing my own Vision Movie all of last week, and I already have ideas and commitment for 3 new books for the New Year.
Take a look, and come and join me in the mid January session to create your own vision movie. Put your name down on the waitlist, and lets get talking, and movie making!
P.S. There are some cool gifts to get you started when you sign up, and while you wait.