It is never too early to establish your author brand.
Get professional covers and graphics
One thing that can destroy your brand is amateurish covers and graphics. While you can use Some tools, like Canva, for other graphics like your posts in social media or your emails always use a book cover professional for your book covers, and maybe even your key website graphics. Hire a professional on Fiverr or Upwork, or ask for recommendations. There are sites that sell premade covers and graphics to help you establish a look for your books. Your cover has to match your genre, and stop the scroll online in a couple of seconds, so get the best you can.
Get the Social Profiles for Your Pen Name or Domain
Now that you have got the domain for your website, make sure you grab all the social media profiles that you checked for availability previously. Even if you’re not sure you’ll use them, register the account anyway. Make sure you get your accounts on TikTok so you can make BookToks (which are proving to be very lucrative for authors). You also want your Instagram account, GoodReads author profile, Pinterest, Facebook author page, and YouTube account.
Be sure to come back for the next episode of the 30-day series on self-publishing your own book!