Of Caminos, Adventures and Stocks

Would you go?

It looks as if a vaccine for the world is increasingly likely – as a likely candidate emerged, with a viable testing regime, all kinds of unconnected things happened. Of course, nothing is really unconnected in our world, so the election, the vaccine and the stock market all made a difference. Yes, travel stocks are back in fashion with airline stocks climbing after the announcement –  Delta (+17%), American (+15%), and JetBlue (+22%) all made gains. This is good news for aviation that has been shell shocked with the complete lack of long distance travel.

As an author does this make a difference to me? Possibly – people will be more inclined to read travel books, although, to be fair, people kept reading travel books all through the pandemic.
Meanwhile although the pandemic rages unabated in India, most state borders are open, and with a bit of circumspection, you could travel to the mountains to trek, holiday or even “work from home”. My social media friends Work from Mountains scheme even got coverage in the BBC. That’s a great idea, a longer stay in the mountains, rather than in weekend when you can barely relax.

Camino Updates

On the Camino Ingles, on the A Coruna track.

The news from Spain is not good, the Camino is increasingly difficult to walk as more and more areas lock down, so if you are on the Camino, maybe it’s time to head home, and if you were thinking of walking, maybe it’s time to stay home. As of today, even the Via Francigena and the Assissi way are more difficult, if not impossible, as Italy is also affected by the surging second wave. After a brief summer of carelessness, it looks like the pandemic is back in full force – so the work on the vaccine speeds up.

And in stocks, Zoom and Docusign are down as punters bet and people being able to get back to face to face work. Here in Queensland, most people are back in work, though many of them have gotten used to working from home. Hopefully this means that we will be able to walk again ourselves. Although many of us have loved the vicarious walks of those who could.

The document I prepared earlier – the one you can download from the bottom of this page, is still valid, and the links in it provide up-to-date information, for both the Camino and the Himalayas.

Oops I may need to look presentable again…

If there’s a vaccine, we may need to get dressed up again – and put on makeup – Makeup and designer clothing stocks rose this week, and in order to fit into those new clothes we need to stop bingeing on Pizza and Netflix, those stocks dropped. In fact, it’s time to start thinking of walking again. It will cheer you up with a dose of dopamine. Huh -just when I thought I could retreat and hide behind my Bot. You have met SusanBot haven’t you?

And she looks exactly like the real me in the on the Camino picture in the previous section, right?



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